Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Release Date Set

The new release date for Blood In, Blood Out is January 12, 2011.  Stay tuned for further updates.


  1. oh come on...its just keeps getting pushed back

  2. I know. Unfortunately, other than complain, I am impotent to do anything about it. I suspect it will keep getting pushed back until the end of January or sometime in February.

    However, the publisher had done a good job with the book. And -- I'll say it again -- the book is worth the wait.

  3. I just knew I was going to recieve a call from the book store telling me they've finally recieved my order and its ready for pickup. I've been denied again, and this will continue all the way into February? Arghghgh!!!

  4. Well as we say in sweden, the one's who wait for something great, can never wait to long ;)

    question, will there be some pictures aswell in the book?
    always fun to get a "face" on some of the heavies.

  5. No, there are no pictures. However, if you Google the names and then hit 'images,' you will have a panorama of pictures.

  6. Looking forward to a good read!
