Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Update on the update on the update!!

     Blood In Blood Out:  The Violent Empire of the Aryan Brotherhood is coming.  The tentative release date has now been pushed back to December 22, 2010.
     Those-in-charge of the production process ask for your patience.  Translation:  chill out.  It's on its way.
     And John Lee Brook says, "It's worth the wait.  The book flat-out rocks!"

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Update on the update!

Headpress has pushed the release of Blood In, Blood Out back by one more week.  Thus, the book will come out on December 8, 2010.  Knock on wood!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Update: Book Release

The release of Blood In Blood Out has been pushed back to December 1, 2010.